The question of tithing in the New Testament often arises among believers: Is tithing still required for Christians? Did Jesus reaffirm it, or did He replace it with a different model of giving? A close look at Jesus’ words in Matthew 23:23 and Luke 11:42, along with the theological depth of Hebrews 7, makes it clear that Jesus affirmed tithing as an ongoing principle for God’s people.
Read More"Red Flags” is a concept we all understand well. The term "red flags" is deeply ingrained in our culture as a warning of potential danger or something to be cautious about.
The idea of ‘Red Flags’ became prominent during the 18th century French Revolution. Red flags were raised to signal martial law was being enacted, warning citizens of military control. Unfortunately, some ignored these warnings, which led to the tragic Massacre of Champ de Mars in 1791, where 50 lives were lost. Ignoring red flags had devastating consequences.
Read MoreIn Isaiah 1:11-17, God speaks words that might shock anyone familiar with the Old Testament sacrificial system. He says to Israel:
“I have had enough of burnt offerings of rams… I take no pleasure in the blood of bulls, lambs, or goats… Stop bringing meaningless offerings!” (Isaiah 1:11-13)
This declaration raises an obvious question: Why would God reject the very sacrifices He commanded?
Read MoreIf you could choose to be one biblical character, who would it be? Many might pick one of the twelve apostles. Imagine walking with Jesus for three years—hearing his transformative teachings, witnessing his miracles, and watching him silence religious leaders with divine wisdom. The experiences, like seeing water turned into wine or Lazarus raised from the dead, would surely bolster unshakable faith. Or would they?
Read MoreAs we approach the Christmas season, a time often associated with giving, it's essential to reflect on the true spirit of generosity. This week's sermon delved into the profound lessons from the parable of the Good Samaritan, emphasizing that generosity extends far beyond monetary gifts. It is about embodying the character of God through our actions and attitudes towards others.
Read MoreThe Masters Tournament, often heralded as the greatest spectacle in the world of golf, showcases the best golfers in the world competing for the legendary green jacket. These men are at the pinnacle of their profession, recognized globally as the greatest at what they do. And yet, no matter how elite their skills, every single one of them arrives early to practice—with a coach.
It may seem counterintuitive: why would the greatest need a coach? But this reality underscores a profound truth: no matter how skilled, experienced, or successful you become, you will always need guidance, leadership, and influence to reach new heights or maintain your direction.
Read More"Can You Tell Me More About Speaking in Tongues?"
This is a question I hear often—and it’s a great one. Speaking in tongues is mentioned repeatedly in Scripture, and for those seeking to live a Bible-based life and experience everything God has for them, it’s a topic worth exploring.
To start, let me share my journey with this spiritual gift.
Read MoreSamson, the legendary judge, wasn’t defeated by a superior opponent or an enemy soldier. Instead, he fell victim to his own complacency while resting on Delilah’s lap. Tragically, when he awoke, he was unaware that God had departed from him ...
Read MoreImagine a world without water. I doubt you’ve ever given that any thought. But when you do, it's a terrifying thought, isn't it? Water, often taken for granted, is the very essence of life itself.
Consider this: if water ceased to flow – if there were no more evaporation, no more snowfalls, no more rain – every plant, every animal, every person would cease to exist. Water is not just a commodity; it's a fundamental necessity for our survival.
Every day, more than 300 trillion gallons of water evaporate from the oceans, a staggering 3.5 million gallons every second. Yet only a fraction of that vapor finds its way back to the earth in the form of rain. The rest returns to the ocean, perpetuating the cycle of life.
Read MoreBack in 1987, at just sixteen years of age, I preached my first message at a Nazarene church in Deland, FL. The title of the message – “The Blessing of Obedience.” My text came from the remarkable account in John 2:1-12 where Jesus miraculously turned water into the finest wine any man had ever tasted. I had only two simple points; the servants were blessed to be a part of Jesus’ first miracle because they obeyed His command, and the entire wedding party was blessed by the overflow of their obedience.
Read MoreWednesday, August 27, 2014, marked a day of profound loss—the day my grandfather passed away. Little did I know, it also marked the beginning of a spiritual and emotional wilderness journey in my life. At first, I was unaware of this journey unfolding before me, but within a few weeks, it became apparent that God was orchestrating a profound work within me, one that I initially resisted. Despite my prayers and consultations with elders seeking wisdom, the wilderness seemed to grow darker and more arduous with each passing day over the course of two and a half years. Desperation consumed me as I yearned for a way out.
Read MoreIs this the end? Are we headed for Armageddon? Many people, irrespective of their faith, have sensed an apocalyptic aura in the air.
A New York Times article stated, “For people of many faiths, and even none at all, it can feel lately like the end of the world is near.” Another NYT article had the headline, “Apocalypse When?” In fact, nearly every news source that I checked (CNN, MSN, Fox News, etc.) had articles about the end of the world as we know it. Even Wikipedia has a page dedicated to a “List of dates predicted for apocalyptic events.”
In the midst of this speculation, what do we really know about the end of time? What does the Bible really tell us about the return of Jesus, Armageddon, and of the last days?
Read MoreHave you ever felt like God was absent from your life? Like He is out there, but He’s such a long way away? Maybe you have felt like He is ignoring your prayers. Maybe it seems that He’s turned His back on you? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, we find this same sentiment in God’s Word.
Read MoreWhat does the Bible say about premarital sex? While you won't find that specific phrase – “premarital sex” – used in the Bible, the Bible repeatedly talks about "sexual immorality" or "sexual sins." These references to sex are talking about any sexual activity outside of marriage, so if you're having sex without being married ... God wants you to stop.
Read MoreHave you ever felt like something was missing? Perhaps you felt a little incomplete? Or maybe you just felt unfulfilled?Well, you’re not alone, because all human nature is marked by a constant search for fulfillment and completeness…
Read MoreTalking about money at church can be almost as bad as talking about politics at Thanksgiving. Unlike politics, however, money is a necessary conversation because offerings are so frequently mentioned in the Bible. One cannot simply ignore how frequently God addresses the subject. He does so because how we bring our offerings reveals where we are in our relationship with Him…
Read MoreA phrase that has become very popular in recent years is “work-life balance”. It has because so many people feel overwhelmed. They feel as if their lives are out of control, and everything is in chaos. People are looking for an answer – how do I take care of myself, love my family, work a job, and still have time for everything else? How can I bring all this chaos into balance? It’s an important question. But that leads to another question…
Read MoreEvery person, every family, goes through difficult times. When my baby sister was just fifteen years of age, she was diagnosed with an extremely rare form of bone cancer. It was only discovered because it showed up on X-rays taken for braces. When my mom was just sixty, she was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a cancer from which her dad had died. When I was forty-six, I was rushed into the hospital for an emergency brain surgery…
Read MoreWhen you read a book, do you read the FOREWORD? Usually, I skim over it and jump right into the book. However, I recently read a book titled Confronting Injustice Without Compromising TRUTH, written by Thaddeus J. Williams, and the FOREWORD, written by John M. Perkins jumped out as excellent. Following is that foreword:
Read MoreSometimes it is easy to be nice to other people. Unfortunately, there are also times when it is difficult to be kind to others. God knows this and so He gave us some directions on how we should treat each other. In fact, He gave us those directions more than one hundred times. Read the following, meditate on these commands, and let them help you know how you should treat others.
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