It Started In A Prayer Meeting
It started in a prayer meeting…
In Acts 2, the followers of Jesus were gathered for a prayer meeting when the Holy Spirit was poured out and three-thousand people were saved.
In Acts 3, Peter and John were on their way to a prayer meeting when the lame man was healed and two-thousand people were saved.
In Acts 4, they were gathered for a prayer meeting when the house literally began to shake, and again, they were filled with the Holy Spirit.
In Acts 9, when a few Christians met with Paul to pray, he received his sight and was filled with the Holy Spirit.
In Acts 12, the church gathered for prayer, and Peter was miraculously released from prison.
In Acts 16, when Paul and Silas began to sing and pray an earthquake hit releasing them from jail and the jail keeper’s entire household was saved.
In the year 1857, six business leaders gathered for a prayer meeting that would eventually spread all across American and bring many back to Christ.
In the year 1906, the world-changing Azusa Street revival began in a prayer meeting.
Do you see a trend?
When people gather together in faith to pray, the Holy Spirit is manifested, miracles happen, and people are saved.
Do you desire to see this? If so, look for an opportunity to gather weekly with other likeminded Christians for a time of prayer and worship. Join them and commit to faithfully gathering with them for prayer and worship.
Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14 (NLT)