People Are Boring, Not God
You can’t read the Bible without recognizing that God is pretty cool and exciting. In fact, He is downright amazing. From Noah building a massive boat for a one-time flood, to David killing a giant with a slingshot, to Daniel sleeping with lions – the Bible is filled with adventure. Giving that I love God and I’m wanting to grow in my relationship with Him, what does all this adventure stuff mean for me? And, how can I get in on the adventure? Three things:
God doesn’t run out of new ideas. In other words, my relationship with Him is going to be unlike any other person’s relationship with God. Unlike modern manufacturing, He is not copying one relationship to the next. We are all unique, one-of-a-kind.
Psalms 139:14 (ESV) says, “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”
To help capture this idea of “God is not boring,” consider that in creation there is an incalculable variety everywhere you look. estimates there are eighteen-thousand different types of birds and thirty-three thousand different types of fish. This is to say nothing of the many different species of wild cats, creepy crawly things, and the fuzzy bears. And, you thought you were creative.
Think of the incredible variety of color in our world. I may be able to name forty or fifty different colors, but have you been to a paint store? The colors are endless. And it is postulated that there are many colors for which we still do not have a name. This means that every sunset, with all its brilliant color, is a first. Every plume of feathers is a first. There are no repeats. It is His unmatched creativity.
To make this more personal, consider that of all the miracles in the Bible, there are no two alike. Every miracle is its own unique story. When God works miracles in your life, they are not going to look like another person’s miracles. They are going to be your unique miracles. You get a story no one else can tell. And, you are God’s matchless story. Just as there are no two snowflakes, no two fingerprints, no two strands of DNA alike – there is no one else like you. You are not a copy. Your story is yours alone – no reruns.
Number three: GOD IS WAITING ON US
In every miracle story of the Bible, apart from Christ’s resurrection, God always waits for a man or a woman to take the first step of faith. For example, Jesus doesn’t turn the water into wine until the servants fill the water pots, He doesn’t raise Lazarus from the grave until they move the stone, and He doesn’t break bread and feed five thousand until a little boy surrenders his lunch. In other words, Jesus is waiting on us to take a step of faith into something new.
Search the Scriptures, can you find a single miracle story outside of creation and Christ’s resurrection that begin with God? The widow woman’s barrel of meal was sustained after she made a cake for the prophet. Another widow’s oil was multiplied only after she borrowed vessels and began to pour the oil. Naaman was healed of leprosy only after he dipped seven times in the Jordan river. God is not boring. So, let’s not keep Him waiting.
Consider this as a challenge to be open to a new adventure with God. And, place the emphasis on new, because what God wants to do in your life has never been done for anyone else. Imagine the possibilities – or try, because, let’s be honest, our imagination can’t even begin to capture all that God is doing. It’s your turn, God is waiting on you to take a step of faith.