A Mother's Heart
For many people, Mother’s Day is a time to stop and say, “Thank you!” to our moms for the many ways they have served their family. It seems that if you were to try to sum up it one word a job description for moms, it would be “servant.” It’s not that we think of our moms as servants, it’s just that seems to be so much of what they do – they serve their families. It is this attitude that makes us love and revere them.
What if we all served each other the way that our moms served us? Instead of looking for others to help us, what if we all tried to help others? It would revolutionize the world in which we live.
This is exactly what Jesus Christ did. He said, “I came to serve, not to be served” (Mat 20:28). Paul wrote that Jesus was God, but that He became a slave so that He could serve (Phil 2:6-9). The intriguing part of it all is that we love Jesus and our moms because they chose to serve. We don’t look down on them, we honor them.
When we serve, we will be honored. The Scriptures say that when Job prayed for his friends that God restored his fortunes with twice as much as he previously had (Job 42:20). James 4:10 says that if we will humble ourselves that God will exalt us. Simply put, they way to greatness is not through self-promotion, the way to greatness is by promoting others.
When you serve others, you will be sowing seed for your own harvest. It doesn’t make sense, but remember Jesus said that when we give to others, He will give back to us in a greater measure (Luke 6:38). Whatever you do for others, God sees it and He promises to reward you with a greater return on your investment.
When you serve others, don’t worry if anyone notices. We all desire to be appreciated. We get frustrated if others fail to express gratitude. Remember Jesus said what you do in private will be rewarded in public (Mat 6:6).
When you serve others, serve to please God. Paul wrote that he wasn’t trying to win the approval of men, he was trying to win the approval of God. If we only want a person’s approval, then we are their servants and subject to their attitude. If, however, we are seeking to please God, then we are His servant and we know that He sees and rewards all things (Gal 1:10).
When you serve others, go the extra mile. Certainly, this is what makes moms so great. They don’t do the bare minimum. They are the first ones up and the last to bed. They prepare favorite meals and pick up after others. And Jesus called us to go the extra mile (Mat 5:41).
When you serve others, you are proving that you can be trusted with those who will serve you. Jesus asked, “If you are not faithful when serving other people, why should you be trusted when people are serving you?” (Luke 16:12). Serving others develops our character and trains us for the times when people will serve us.
When you serve others, it will lead you to greater opportunities. Scripture tells of Joseph and David, both were great leaders of great nations. Both, however, started out as servants. Joseph served as a slave in Potiphars house and as a prisoner of Egypt. It was while he was a prison servant that he met the man that would who would introduce him to the Pharaoh. David was tending his father’s sheep when Samuel anointed him to be king and he was serving his brothers lunch when he heard Goliath’s challenge. If Joseph and David hadn’t been willing to serve others, they would not have been in position for promotion.
If you love and admire you mom, it is most likely because she was a servant. I challenge you, embrace this spirit of serving others and watch to see what great doors God will open for you.